Your Program Advisory Committee

Program Advisory Committees are required for every college under Minnesota State Colleges and universities which includes a “credit-based academic programs determined by a college to be preparation for initial or continued employment”. A Program Advisory Committee is required by Minnesota State Policy 3.31, further explained in Minnesota State Procedure 3.31.1, and is discussed in the Career Program Advisory Committee Handbook.

Advisory Committee Handbook

The role of a Program Advisory Committee is to:

  • identify college program needs and opportunities,
  • describe the current status and dynamic nature of its industry and/or occupation(s),
  • provide guidance and advice on initial development, accountability, expansion, and closure of academic programs or related program clusters at the college or with related programs at high schools, colleges and/or universities, and
  • review the intended competencies and other learning outcomes associated with the program on an ongoing basis.

NTC includes a review of Student Learning Outcomes with each Program Advisory Committee on an annual basis as part of the Annual Student Learning Outcome Improvement Plan & Report.
