The TEAS, or Test of Essential Academic Skills, is required for all potential nursing students. It is a pre-admission test administered through Assessment Technologies Institute (ATI) Nursing Education. NTC utilizes the test to screen prospective students’ ability to be successful in the nursing programs.

Register for the TEAS!

  • Traditional RN TEAS score must be 64 or higher
  • Practical Nursing TEAS score must be 53 or higher
  • TEAS is not required for LPN Step-In (LPN to RN Bridge Program)
  • TEAS Scores are valid for Two years.
  • Students are strongly encouraged to purchase and utilize a TEAS study manual. TEAS study manuals may be purchased for $25 from the ATI Testing website: Order the Study Manual!
  • If you take the TEAS somewhere other than NTC, you must have an official TEAS transcript sent to NTC. You must order the official score transcript on the ATI website: Order Official TEAS Transcripts!

TEAS Study Manuals are also available for temporary use in the NTC Library for any current student.

NTC is committed to making all educational programs, course materials, services, and activities sponsored by the College accessible to individuals with disabilities. Requests for disability accommodations should be directed to:  accessibility@bemidjistate.edu